
  1. Select a filetype
  2. Select range for example 1- 100 will add filenames automatically (1.png, 2.png and so on)

If you select 'single image mint' you need to provide a file name and the result would be:


To quickly edit a row in case you need a different filename you can check ‘single row’ and then put in row number in index

  1. To download the final metadata file press this button
  2. This button clears all rows in the table
  3. 'Add headers' button adds custom headers to the table. Fixed headers are 'File, Name, Description'
  4. 'Add Range' adds custom ranges to the range dropdowns in config section.
  5. With 'Add FileType', you can add your own file extensions to the dropdown lists
  6. 'Import' is for importing your previously saved work (backup)
  7. If you want to save your work for later, you can click on 'Save as backup'. This will save a file to your computer which can import in the editor later using the 'import' button
  8. 'Add attribute values' adds attributes values that you might want to enter. These values will populate the Add Attributes dropdown